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The Rug Company: Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg

To mark our tremendous milestone of 25 Years of Iconic design, an intimate evening took place in the heart of Hamburg, Germany, at our showroom. Notable industry figures gathered to celebrate this significant and unique moment. Guests enjoyed delectable cocktails and canapés whilst surrounded by some of our most beloved designs which demonstrate the many years of creativity and collaboration.

Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Mrs Turner and Carolin Wolff
Mrs Turner and Carolin Wolff
Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Hamburg Showroom
Hamburg Showroom

The memorable night also marked the launch of our brand-new 25th anniversary catalogue. This catalogue is a devotion to not only our current collections but also a range of our favourite projects and designs over the years.

Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Ann Kristin Trost
Ann Kristin Trost
Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Luisa Eckhardt & Martin Tessmer
Luisa Eckhardt & Martin Tessmer
Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Ariane & Timo Holthoff
Ariane & Timo Holthoff, Daniela & Michael van Droffelaar, Ayfer & Robert Voges
Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Andre Rossow Mr Low and Cornelia Low
Andre Rossow, Mr Löw & Cornelia Löw
Hamburg Showroom - TRC 25th Anniversary
25th Anniversary in Hamburg Showroom
Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Ann Kristin Trost
Ayfer Voges
Celebrating 25 Years in Hamburg - Timo Holtoff
Timo Holtoff, Michael van Droffelaar & Daniela van Droffelaar
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